Enternal Feeding Pump for liquid Food

What is an Enteral Feeding Operation?

When a person have a decreased appetite, difficulties in swallowing, or some type of surgery that interferes with eating, nutrition need to be supplied by enteral nutrition or tube feeding.

We offer the cycled enternal food feeding pump.

Standard Three type Feeding Tubes

Depending on the location of tube path, either Nose, Stomach, or Small Intestine

  • Nasogastric/Nasal Tube, Short as NG Tube
  • Gastrostomy or PEG(percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) tube, Short as G Tube
  • JeJunostomy Tube, Short as J Tube


  • Nasal tube runs through the patient’s nasal passageway, down the esophagus, and into the stomach.
  • G Tube is placed directly through the skin into the stomach
  • J-tube is a feeding tube that is run through the abdominal wall into the small intestine.

Notes: Our pump are recommended for NG and G Tube.

Two Feeding Modes:

  • Continuous feeding: This is when your tube feedings run continuously over 24 hours.
  • Cycled feeding: This is when your tube feedings run for part of the day.

Notes: Our pump are for Cycled feeding, particular to home care use.

Food Grade Material Feeding

Pump Feeding VS Bolus/Gravity Feeding

Pump Feeding VS Syringe Feeding

Actual Hospital Patient Video with pump

Hospital Application of Feeding Pump


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